For the first online version of C2, I designed masterclasses for Malcolm Gladwell & John Cohn, and hosted workshops with Atölye, SYP, David Pearl, Hatch & the Creative Leaders Circle (CLC).
Following the success of the event, I went on to host a series of workshops on Aging, Resilience and Future cities with Hakuhodo's Innovation Garden Initiative, as well as a report presentation series with GPAI, the global partnership on artificial intelligence. |
For one edition of C2 Montreal, I trained and oversaw a group of 20 facilitators that delivered over 70 exciting and interactive workshops for a wide variety of partners, including Salesforce, Element AI, Microsoft, BMW, Blue man group, Gsoft, Onedrop, RBC Foundation, RISE Kombucha, Moment Factory, Verizon & ONF.
I participated in the creation of a highly successful speed coaching session that took place within a luxury vehicule, as well as two innovative experiential labs. In In the Dark, participants sharpened their listening and communication while participating in a team challenge in the complete darkness. In Alter Ego, participants explored dormant traits in their personality then created an exciting new alter ego using the Enneagram Framework. Finally, I did the learning experience design for several high profile masterclasses of which the official descriptions are below. What the client said:
Ez brings a wonderful mix of out-the-box, creative, wild ideas with a strong strategic, problem-solving, mindset. At C2, he demonstrated great skills at taking an idea sketched on a napkin to a real-life business conference. He designed beautiful masterclasses working with C2's most renowned speakers as well as coached our community of C2 facilitators. His authenticity and his intentional feedback will help you push your thinking and your team. |
Shifting food's value proposition
Marcus Samuelsson, Chef, restaurateur and author Food might be the most powerful catalyst for understanding each other better and being more open to a diversity of ideas. And as a leader, this is more important now than ever. Marcus Samuelsson believes that to know a place and its people, you must first know its food. Learn how Marcus, using the power of food, helps bridge gaps between communities one plate at a time. |
Why we brand, why we buy
Debbie Millman, Writer, designer, educator, artist and brand consultant Take a deep dive with Debbie Millman into the impact branding has on our everyday lives, from the branding of ourselves and the world around us to the role branding plays in the products we buy and the way we live. Viewed through a sociological, scientific and anthropological lens, gain a new perspective on why we like some brands and dislike others, the real reason we are so addicted to our technological devices, and what causes us to ogle a particular pair of sneakers. |
Becoming harder to kill
Conn Bertish, Founder and Creative Director, Cancer Dojo The science behind how your body reacts to what’s going on in your mind is clear. Just ask Conn, a creative director and cancer survivor who gamified his disease to beat it. Learn how his Dojo Thinking Methodology empowers shifts in behavior and mindset for the better, and is a skill and strategy that can be applied to both humans and brands. |
Adopting a circular mindset
Dominique Fularski, Communications Manager, Circular IKEA Imagine creating a zero-waste world in your own business or industry without compromising on quality, form or price. Dominique Fularski will unpack how IKEA’s circular economy philosophy is transforming the world's largest furniture retailer’s approach to product design, material sourcing and the customer experience. Learn why embracing, and adopting, circularity is critical to the future survival of the planet, and of any business. |
Leadership for cultures of innovation
Aithan Shapira, Founder and CEO, Making to Think Roll up your sleeves and dive hands-first into collaborative decision-making, sense-making, and creativity through the artist’s lens. Take home frameworks you won’t find in any business book for developing a culture of innovation—your competitive advantage at the speed of change. |